

Your eyes
If I was to write a poem about your eyes, I might compare them to the sky, a vast universe of which in this very moment in time at this very second I am the soul owner of its powerful beauty. I might compare them to the sea, deep and moving, to fall in would mean being lost amongst the deepest reaches of your soul forever. But in all honesty the utter fact is, i cant compare them to anything I've ever witnessed, to do so would do them or you no justice, because those eyes are like nothing ive seen or experienced before, they shake me to my core and make me quiver, they make my heart weep tears of joy and my soul reach for more. Ive seen heaven in your eyes and its beautiful its everything all at once and nothing at all....i have no explanation for it, you make me feel singled out but lost in the crowd, rightside upside down, lost and found, I know where I am, but im completely turned around.... Then i settle back on those eyes, and I know nothing has to make sense, as long as those eyes are looking back at mine, the world is right and is as it should be and everything else just fades away..