

wayward path
Have you ever done meth?

Finding yourself years later with tracks and regrets?

Have you ever drowned in the bottle?

Drinking til you black out with your foot ever on the throttle.

Looking to ride the ship up and down right into tomorrow.

Washed up on the shore for sure you can drown this sorrow?

Have you ever done cocaine?

Looking like a voodoo doll with pricks up and down every vein.

Seeking the rush the feel of that train,

Eventually stopping your heart but life you regained.

Heroine, I can speak does just the same,

Dead in the floor lips blue and waking to the crowd going insane

Have you ever smoked dip?

The shit you put in the dead to keep them from decomposing to quick?

It is a trip and fun for a while,

til you have a bad trip and that will make you act buckwild.

Have you ever rolled on ecstasy ?

Tabs will make your life feel like serendipity.

The lights mesmerize

and the vicks intensifies

What about the pills, yea the opiates are a crisis.

perscribed by our government and more of a threat to our nation than isis.

Fentaynall another one to eliminate the users so small

Given to them for what other reason than genicide is all.

Weed well everyone has smoked bud,

Munchies and shit and the gate way drug.

Crack, well it is different than the powdering sack,

having you wanting it and never gaining that first high back.

Mushrooms what a trip I would eat them for days,

mixed with meth it was a trip in many ways

but these are all lies, the utopia and the blue skies

You wake up ten years later and see life has passed you by.

You wanted a life unlike the one you had,

Growing up and then raising your own you realize you are just as bad.

The intentions of our heart is not what we are ,

The great distance between our intentions and our locations is oh so far.

So if you never, dont ever, for the demise is certain

I just reach out to you reader from behind the red curtain.

For all the world is a stage,

and well you know the rest turn the page

For whom the bell tolls and shit

pink floyd measured time and was accurate

musically medically emotionally sexually morally we all follow our lust

Go out today and live your life for tomorrow is not promised to us

© brittanieMFfregia

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