

If and only if...
If only wishes can come true,
I have one or two or maybe a few,
And they're all about you,
That I've been longing to pursue...

How I'd wish I could bring back
Your smile that once leave a mark
Eyeing to catch even a glimpse of you
Just like the first time I saw you ...

How can I forget your lovable smile
I can't even get over you for awhile
How can I let you go out of the blue
Counting on my wish will come true...

Someday, somehow...
My wish will be granted anyhow
Yearning for a perfect moment
And a chance that is congruent...

If and only if my wish will come true
I'll cherish every second, every minute beside you
And won't let my eyes off you, neither blinking
Nor allow it for another wishful thinking...
