

Harbinger of our doom,
Hurtling through space,
The asteroid is here too soon,
Don't remember the trace.

Corruption surges through our cultures,
All of them on the same team,
Soaring above us like vultures,
Existence ripping at the seam.

Why hasn't the people of the world, awaken?
We had the power to prevent,
Now we're all going to be forsaken,
Now your only option is to repent.

Illusions of a beautiful lie,
Agendas created in plain sight,
Mass population will now die,
As the sheep don't even care to fight.

Distracted by there high tech toys,
Or who thinks there really cool with WIFI,
Silence will begin to cover the noise,
You'll take the mark willingly, trusting the Sci fi.

.... you'll be stuck here to enslave the earth.

..... for evil has given these high tech toys,

.... only to keep their EYE on you,

.... you thought nothing of it,

.... you've allowed then to destroy.

... laughing at people like me,

.... for trying to save your life

.... you'll all see soon enough.


..... you will