

Letter to you-know-who
Dear you-know-who,
I love you
Ik you're too shy to say, but I do.
And I'm not exactly ready to share
The only the thing I care.

I'm jealous when I hear
You have been talking to her
But...... I don't tell you , sorry
Cause I'm scared of what you may think about me

I'm scared of you going away
You even hating me someday
Can you just clarify my doubts
Someday, somehow....?

Sorry I talk alot
But it's not my fault
You keep quite and listen
So my bar of talking has risen.

Sorry I sometimes scold you
For not being careful
Ur clumsiness makes me mad
And ur pain makes me sad.

So , sorry sweetheart...for not being the best
But I swear I won't turn out to be worse than ur ex
Cause I genuinely love you
More than the sky and more than u.

© HennaG