

Dear bestie
When you loved me like that,
You made me fall hard for you,
a bit later but i did,
with every memory of us i fall again
The aggression, fights,the passion,
the ups and downs
With every inch of our love, i fall again
But if you could have let me learn to love you like that
If you could have loved me harder, cuddled me longer,
allowed us feel every inch of another, touched me further,
hold on to each other longer,
Waited a bit longer,
if only we longed only for one other
but you gave your love to another, Amanda, so if reporting Amanda for this love murder would get me back my lover, I would
but this love is not eternal
so tonight,, this last night
Holding tight to our whiskey bottles, let us sing along to Etana
Stare at each other for hours ,
Let us dance to no rhythm,
to these beats till our feet hurt,
laugh louder, yes,
let's make a mockery out of this love, lets cheers to waisted fantasy and to being let down by love🥂🍺

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