


Is there nothing more human than nameless uncleanly flesh?
Or the inherent desire for us to caress it?
Strung out and splayed in the sheets and pillows
Mumbling, a language unfamiliar but ancient
A bag of flesh and bones; an animal in all respects,
Contrary to the wildlife, I noticed your new tattoo: bloody and bruised protected under a second skin
On the matter of your containment,
I can't help but admire, dress or undress, how it suits you
Staring holes in your soul, but not quite making eye contact
Just for you to look back with your polarizing, magnetizing eyes
Your positive field and mine, push the other's away; it's only expected when we're both this attracted

Roll around with me, in the mess and entanglement of the blankets
At least until we light up again,
Only then will we find true comfort in the bliss of being trapped
Trapped by ones own inability to fix the warmth of the world rumpled around you

If it weren't for your giddiness
Or for our lungs ablaze,
You would think we were on something
Truly, we were like this before we opened up the window again

But to be fair, we had only just closed it too

My eyes shut, but I can still feel your ticklish gaze
Unable to help it, I giggle and glance at you,
Just make me the prey lying in the lions den, a lamb oh-too comfortable with the idea of being eaten alive by you
Kicking the overheating away, we leave our chest exposed
You in a bra you don't need and me: wishing I didn't need mine

Predisposed by my own self-fate,
You, to your Predetermined self-hate: beings of the time
It would be strange to see us as anything less than divine

It always surprises me when I fall for someone,
Because I don't find myself doing that often
It's unusual loving someone so human

When I myself struggle to see my own within: inhuman.

I no longer want to be told, just existing (in-)human, that I am living sin
Because to "sin", is "unhuman"
I no longer want to exist for a version of myself that isn't self satisfied knowing I am happy now in life
Because I know in death my mind will be just as quiet as it is here
I just hope that then, I'll still be able to hear your soft breathing in my ear


I would like to preface this by saying that I am white, and non religious, I have never followed Islam or Christianity. However, I aim to be respectful and accurate to what I have researched thus far. That being said, if any of this is inaccurate or misleading, I do apologize and would like to know so I can correct it. The last thing I want to do is spread misinformation, especially in our current political climate.

One last thing, the context given below is not necessary in understanding the poem, HOWEVER, I find the context interesting in and of itself, but does not exclusively exist here just to define this poem. Now, if you'll let the professor in me take over:

Ok, I thought long and hard about the title, because I don't want my message to be misconstrued. The use of the word Haram is very intentional, (and not just in my usage of the concept in this poem). I chose Haram because of its translated meaning of 'forbidden'. I do use the word sin later on in this, wich I will broach upon. I do use other themes of Islam; strictly pertaining to what is 'forbidden': what is Haram. Here are a few I'd like to point out.

Humans are uncleanly in nature. This is why cleaning oneself in preparation to pray to Allah (may peace and serenity be with him)...