

I’m happy to be alive
I’m happy to be alive

If I told you I wanted to end it all.
Would you ask me how I’d do it
So you can help me find my way?
Would you go out and buy the bullets?

Would you buy the gun and load it?
And give it to me as a gift?
Would you buy the rope and tie it for me?
And place it near a cliff?

Would you tell me that you love me as you Stab me in The chest?
As you slowly turn the knife inside
my heart to make it last?

Would you load the gun, and take my hand and force me to write a letter?
Would you walk away and tell me when
you want me to pull the trigger?

Would you show me how to tie the rope
to rid yourself of Guilt?
Would you play pretend and walk away
as if you didn’t know how I felt?

Would you tell me how to end it all
and whisper it in my ear
pretending that you love me
so no one else can hear?

Would you call me when I’m home alone
and tell me how to die?
And then delete my number and act surprised when you hear I died?

Well That’s the way you make me feel and I know I’m not alone.
I’m a living breathing human being
I’m a kind and loving soul,

But you never took the time to know me
My love you never felt.
The gun you bought me decided to jamb and the bullets were empty shells,

The rope you bought untied itself and helped me up tho cliff, then it decided to burn itself to prevent it from happening again.

The knife you used just left a bruise
It fell unto the ground.
It then decided
to sink inside
the earth and not be found.

The phone you used
decided to block you
to make all the pain subside.
It deleted your number
and all of your pictures.
It’s almost as if you died.

I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life without you here by my side…..
I can honestly say, despite the pain,
I’m happy to be alive.

© 🎨