

I keep searching for...
I keep searching for
abodes within souls,
To construct sanctuaries where
I might dwell unjudged,
Returning at will, without the specter
of desertion looming.
Ah, but such folly! To deem hearts
as harbors
Where acceptance cradles flaws
in gentle embrace.

Now, my search meanders through
different realms—
In the scented nooks of coffee havens,
& among aisles of tomes,
And every hallowed haunt where
once our laughter resounded.
These places, steeped in the echoes
of bygone mirth,
Now morph into crypts, cradling and
caging our shared past.
Here, memories, like restless phantoms,
are unearthed, with each visitation,
perpetually haunting, as I roam,
A specter myself, among the remnants of us.

#writcopoemchallenge #writcopoem #writco #philosophy #lifestyle #sanhita @Sanh9292
© Aylin