

Par Four (final par)
PROLOGUE: Part One: seven year glitch
#Philosophy #Versus #Truth


The Aforesaid—Revisioned
Saturday, Febru 29, 6029


On Final Haiku
Sat, Feb, 26; 6027
Jaunting—because of time and tide.

Yezebel, my wife, if i can still call her that—left us for 50-50. 3 days ago-with the help of Univerxal Pageantx Ministry. Her dad the new owner, her new boyfriend, its old CEO.

So, we both made mistakes these past 7 years. But taking our daughter, Aivaly, my raising—her only 6 yrs, granted she isn't biologically mine. It hurts.

Her bio-dad both kind of deadbeat—the segway is as Yezi put it, "Leaving YOUR 1 year old son 'behind' and not hers to raise—calling...