

Forgiveness Is the Best Form of Revenge
Have you ever been wronged,
and the psycho-babblers telling you to forgive, forget and just be strong?
Watching your tormentors flourish and thrive,
While you sit around wishing you weren't alive.
It is taking every restraint for you not to get even and avenge your honour,
because you were taught that revenge is reserved for a Higher Power.
Praying every day for a revenge coup,
As I sit and wait for the perpetrator to meet his/her waterloo.

The thought of revenge is slowly demonizing my being,
penetrating my soul and breaking my sanity thread.
Every day I relive the pain and hurt
because my heart is consumed with vengeance and hatred.
I am being overpowered with the constant thoughts of retaliation,
And these thoughts are taking me to dark places,
Paranoia sets in and I am distrusting even familiar faces.
I am going to depths that I have never been nor want to explore,
So I will cleanse my mind, forgive and forget so I will hurt no more.
I know that two wrongs don't make a right,
But these thoughts of revenge is eating me alive and I am trying hard not to fight.

So for my sanity’s sake, I will continue believing
that karma will boomerang straight back to your feet.
And then revenge will eventually be sweet,
 I will wipe these vengeful thoughts from my mind,
don't sink to my perpetrators’ level and just continue to be kind.
I will ensure that I live my best life and I know I will be fine.
Forgiveness will be my mantra, I will forget negative people and just leave them behind,
If you want to embrace revenge, just ensure you live well,
This will drive your tormentors crazy and send them straight to hell.
© Audrey Malcolm
