

Whispers of the Dreaming Night
1. **Whispers of the Night**

At night when I lay in bed,
As I drift towards my sleep,
When the eve becomes shadowy red,
My slumber has begun deep.

2. **Dreams Take Flight**

In the stillness, silence reigns,
While the moon weaves silver threads,
A world awakens in my veins,
Where imagination gently treads.

3. **Echoes of the Day**

Memories dance like fleeting sparks,
As shadows merge with twilight's glow,
The day’s worries fade into the dark,
And in this peace, my spirit flows.

4. **The Journey Within**

Through dreamscapes vast, I roam and soar,
Exploring realms both strange and bright,
In this boundless world, I long for more,
Guided by the stars’ soft light.

5. **Awakening**

But as dawn breaks, the visions wane,
The whispers of night begin to flee,
Yet in my heart, the echoes remain,
A promise of dreams yet to be.

6. **Threads of Reflection**

In twilight’s embrace, I find my voice,
A tapestry woven with hopes and fears,
Each thread a memory, each stitch a choice,
Crafted in silence, spun from my tears.

7. **The Circle of Night**

And when the sun dips low again,
I’ll surrender to the night’s soft plea,
To dance in the shadows, free from pain,
For in the dark, I am truly me.

8. **Endless Dreams**

So I’ll cherish these moments, fleeting and bright,
For every slumber holds magic untold,
In the stillness of night, dreams take their flight,
A universe waiting, in whispers of gold.
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