

Life is a Horror Movie
Your life begins with strangers
In a unfamiliar place
No knowledge to be afraid of things we should be

As a child, you fear things
Main one, the dark
The thing you see but can't see
With unknown creatures "lurking"

Your teens are awfully horrifying
You begin to change into a monster
Making everyone fear you, hate you
And expected to act like your not who you are

Adulthood, oh please no
You go to college to get a job
You get a job to get money
You get money to pay for your college tuition
You get a life to pay for a life

Then the end of your road becomes closer
As now you are much older
Losing the remaining of your mind
Losing your body to life's horror

Now you're dead, meeting the Grim Reaper
You are dead meeting the embodiment of what you are now
Where you're taken is dependent on you
A happy ending, a bad ending, or neverending sequels & remakes

© Jack G.