

She's a Monster

She's a monster;
Your worst nightmare,
She devours your heart and soul.

She's a hunter;
Seeking your pain and fear,
Gobbling her victims up whole.

She cripples you;
She makes you incapable of fighting back,
Making life hard to cope.

She belittles you;
Feeds you insults as facts,
Leaving you without hope.

She starts from the young;
Makes them believe they're nothing,
Insignificant, desperate and alone.

That they can't be loved by anyone;
And old apple rotting,
Cutting all the flesh leaving nothing, not even bones.

She is nutured;
Through violence and neglect,
Torture and demean.

She's a bad herd;
A whole pile of regret,
Who uses words as weapons to lower self-esteems.

She silence your screams;
Defies all your dreams,
And give you expectations, she knows you won't meet.

No one can read your mind;
So they'll believe you when you say your fine,
The sand is running out, your almost out of time.

She leaves marks on your arms;
Ones you make your self,
Drawings with a blade.

She cares not about your self harm;
But makes sure you don't tell,
About all the red puddles you've made.

With her there's no chance of survival;
Obstacles blocking your way,
To punish your body for being a mess.

She makes you your own rival;
In your own self pity and anger you lay,
Feeling more lost and hopeless.

She's a bitch;
A heartless foe,
She loves when you think to put a gun to your head.

You swallow down pills without an itch;
Drinking on the go,
Won't stop until your maybe dead.

She's a token;
To remind you that your broken.
Lies and deceit ignites her flames;
Something she plays with, a very sick game.

Leaving you emotionless, without an expression;
And this monster's name is depression.

© WarningKoala