

Green Red Green
Green Red Green that's the colour of my countries flag,
As the youths have now been butchered in mass,
All because they lent their voices out,
All because they want a better tomorrow and they want to bid farewell to the past.

Our soldiers who are supposed to protect us have turned their backs,
They seem to forget that we are also fighting for their rights,
They have decided to be used as tools in the politicians hand's,
Don't forget that when you die, these politicians will bury you in shallow grounds.

Our leaders have failed us this time,
As they paint the streets with the blood of young men, brothers, and father's who came out to fight,
They have forgotten who put them were they are,
They have turned my father's land into a slaughter house,
They have turned my father's land into a grave yard.

4+4 no be togba because everything done bad.

© Deryl