

“What Poetry Meant Once To Me!”
“The pleasure.

The change.

The challenge.

The collaboration.

This is what poetry meant once to me!

But now...

As I sit back and linger deeper in my retirement from writing...

Days on end, my mind slowly rots.

The thoughts and the endless words are there.

But I simply cannot allow them to flow freely anymore.

Because poetry has become a game to most.

An endless mindgame.

A strategic competition of words upon words.

To gather as many that can be gathered...

To gain an audience for your words.

Your thoughts.

Your active approach.

Your actions within or without.

And daily...

You write and write freely.



Without restraint.

Without any filter.

And you express yourselves however you choose.








Just doing whatever you can to get anyone to hear and see your most sincerest and fiercest voice in prose.”

“But to the many of you who speak through your words...

Take a moment and walk with me for just one minute.

I promise I won't tread too heavily on your place or time for very long.

Here's my one honest question:

Whenever you write...

Whatever you write...

To whomever you write to or about...

What are you willing or able to lose or gain from the experience?”

“Because poetry meant everything to me!

When I wrote,  I didn't just 'strung or threw words together' to gather an audience to my realm.

Even when I dove deep into the heart of darkness...

I still manage to send a beckon out with a message of premonition or a warning.

I never waived from it.

I never digressed from it.

I never tried once to dismiss it.

In fact...

I confronted it.

I embraced it.

I freely accepted it.

And guess what?

I didn't change it.

Neither did it change me.

What I did managed to do with it... 

Was to change the complete direction of it.”

“Nowadays, the audience has broadened.

The audience is more in tune and in depth.

The audience is both smarter and wiser.

But alas...

The audience is much more distracted and deeply divided.

And the party on the left...

Is now the party on the right.

And my most sincerest thoughts now will see very little to know light anymore.

Most of you want profanity over procurement.

Confusion over conjecture.

Trouble over truth.

Lore over data.

Hate over love.”

“In conclusion...try asking yourself this intimate final question:

After all your words...

After all your thoughts...

After all your actions...

After after your reactions...

And after your trial, verdict and sentencing...

And siege guns stop pounding the dirt, the chaos returns to order and the smoke and haze clears...

What will become your better?”

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