

A letter to China by Nyambe lubasi
Letter to China

You are such good people 
And the technology you alone have brought 
Is as sweet as a bar of candy that melts slowly 
inside a young child's mouth,
'Cause without you our black children would not have toys that lull them to sleep whenever their eyes become as heavy as a sack of wet sand.

The phones you make for us are so good 
And even in the inner chambers of the toilet,
A man can call his wife and tell her to bring him more toilet paper
Or he can call someone to sing him a soothing song,
That's if he had eaten some hard stuff the previous day

You people from China are really good people

The roads you have made for us are so strong 
and comfortable 
Such that when one sleeps on them,
One will nurse an untrue belief that one is actually on top of one's wife 
And I guess the vehicles that walk on them
have a greater peace of mind 
And if ever they had teeth
Then they would be smiling happily ever after

Africa would like to convey words of gratitude
In ways that are so tremendous

But wait a minute China,
Our people have not forgotten how you opened 
the Pandora's box in Wuhan,
We are told that due to your queer insatiable
That you had gone on a killing spree of snakes,
bats and cockroaches for your own queer meals
And when this resulted into a global pandemic,
You climbed a hill and started pointing fingers at a Blackman whose only body ordour is peace
Saying that it's actually him who transmits the virus

Sweet China,
For this alone 
Africa would not like to thank you....

But thanks anyway...

© Steven namawa