

Your are worth it.
The worst thing a girl could do to herself is for her not to realize her worth. The moment a girl does not realize her worth she starts making terrible mistakes in life. A girl should know that no matter her size, height, complexion and figure she is perfect and the best. If the world already have a mental picture of what an "ideal girl" should be, as a pacesetter, a rare Jewel that every girl is she can change the mind of the world with her confidence,such confidence comes with first understanding her worth as a girl and accepting herself for who she is. There is nothing as beautiful and adorable as a girl being unapologetically herself, she does not have to be sorry for being who she is. Every girl is worth it! A girl's heart should be seen through her deeds, a girls heart ought to be pure and forgiving because she will face so much pain but such pains are not enough to bring her down, she must always remember her worth and know she is a significant part of the world. She needs to bless herself sometime because she is worth it. A girl should always find a reason to celebrate herself. A girl should always stay pure even when hurt by people. I want to let all the girls in the world know that God created them as fighters they are perfect in their imperfections. A girl should always find reasons to smile,she should find strength to keep on giving and living. She should be a positive energy on anyone that crosses her part because she is strong, she is incredibly beautiful both inside and out, she should never stop spreading love and showing her worth, even when the world is against her. Does she ever wonder if she will ever be good enough? I want to tell her that yes! She is good enough and will always be good enough.
I have seen your pain
I have seen your perfect imperfections.
I have seen how unappreciated you are by the world but I want you to know that you are unusually unique,you are not a trend follower you are a trend creator. You were created with flaws so love nature and go about making exploit because you are perfectly imperfect, I want you to be the source of your joy and the architect of your happiness because you are equal to the task. Don't let the world change you, the world can always change it's heart. Beauty goes deeper than the surface so always be proud of yourself because you are worth it!