

The Poet’s Dilemma.
I poured my heart into each line,
Spent hours crafting every rhyme.
But no matter how hard I tried,
My poems never gained much stride.
I posted them, I shared them around,
But only crickets made a sound.
I wanted to be heard and seen,
But my words just fell between.
What was it that I lacked,
That made my poems fall flat?
Then one day, a stranger came,
With words that put my heart aflame.
They said,
“Don't give up, don't let it end,
Your words are meant to reach a friend.
Keep writing, keep creating art,
And one day your words will take their part.
Don't be discouraged by what's been,
For your poetry's not at its end.”
I took those words and held them close,
And kept on writing, no matter the cost.
Whether my words would reach a crowd,
Or only one person, soft and proud.
I wrote for me, I wrote for them,
I wrote with passion, I wrote with vim.
My story's not yet at its end,
It's just beginning to transcend.
© Mivuyo Ntantiso

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