

Boot Camp
Life can feel like boot camp,
required to do what
you’ve never learned,
when the drills amp.

Pushing forward,
following instructions,
making mistakes,
learning corrections.

There is always more to learn,
more mistakes to be made,
more corrections to learn from,
and more paths to follow.

Learning as I go,
sometimes wondering
on where to go,
where’s the flow.

What’s the next move?
Where would it go?
There’s only one way to know,
just do it!

Regardless of the fears
that may change the gears,
pushing self forward
through valleys onward.

Whatever is meant to be
will eventually come to be.
Whatever is not
will be caught in the ought!

#writcopoem #writcoweiters
#writcocommunity #writcofamily

@Becky M Scranton