

In times of love, a young lad's quest,
Through fields of flowers, he is blessed.
A beauty lady in a gown so fine,
In the vast land where blooms entwine.

Petals whisper secrets sweet,
As they dance beneath love's heartbeat.
A tapestry of colors, vibrant and grand,
Nature's witness to a love so unplanned.

Through meadows kissed by the golden sun,
Their journey of hearts has just begun.
Hand in hand, through blossoms they wade,
In a symphony where love is played.

Amidst roses red and lilies fair,
He finds his lady, beyond compare.
Her eyes, the sparkle of dawn's first light,
In this garden of love, pure and bright.

Butterflies waltz in the gentle air,
Captivated by a love affair.
The lad and his lady, a portrait so sweet,
In the midst of blossoms, their paths meet.

Through the daisies' delicate embrace,
They find solace, a tranquil space.
Love blooms like the flowers in this land,
Guiding them with an invisible hand.

A fragrance lingers, a sweet perfume,
As love unfolds, dispelling gloom.
In this haven of blossoms, they find,
A forever bond, gentle and kind.

So, in times of love, this tale is spun,
A lad, a lady, two hearts as one.
In the vast land of gorgeous flowers,
They discover love's infinite powers.

© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku