

The Hallway
"This isn't right...

Something is off,

even my hands look wrong.

Feels like I'm talking

but no sound is escaping.

Out of body

is an understatement,

feels like I never had a body."

I'm drifting

further and further away.

The lights behind me slowly dim,

this hallway nearing pitch black.

"How far does it stretch?"

My legs ache as if

I've been walking forever,

my entire existence

has been walking

"(If I ever even existed at all)"


broken into a million pieces

each floating seamlessly

by one another never colliding.


I'm put back together

but still a million pieces

headed in different directions.

I was never alive.

I have always been alive.

I am dead.

"When did this start?

How long have I been walking?

Did I pass that door already?

The door...

Maybe I should go through one."

I continue walking,

never getting close

to opening one.

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