

I am ruled by the planet of love
I’ve known so much pain
Witnessed so much disdain
Planted flowers on dead earth
watered them with my tears and willed
them to bloom again.
I am ruled by the planet of love
i always make space for it
with the chance of it all ending in
wailing disappointment
with the chance of it filling me with a foreign excitement
worst case scenario, you’ll only add to my
character development
i find balance in being prepared for either
Because i am ruled by the planet of love
Love has no shame
there is no space here for a blame game
Love keeps no score,
resentment and hidden agendas must be left at the door
Love knows no grudge
so if forgiveness ain’t your thing,
gon get you a bundle of herbs and smudge
but unfortunately, i won’t wait around to
see if it’s done
Because i am ruled by the planet of Love
an ever-flowing river of life, i can’t stop this
for anyone
Life goes on, and it would be limiting of me
to declare that you’d always be the only one
because if you choose to run
my river flows one way, and it cannot be undone
oh to have you around would be so much fun
But i’m on a mission you see, i must continue to spread my love
And I’m sorry that for you, it wasn’t enough.

© Yazzythealien