

Night Shades
As the day light perishes,
Surrounded by the darkness.
Endured in silence,calling
Myself for a rest.

As the routine goes like this,
Done with the kitchen chores.
Spreading out my bedsheets,
Preparing to have rest.

Turning on my favourite songs,
Listening to the rhythms and lyrics.
I just consider to be dreaming ,
With my conscious mind

At last , ending up the last
song in my queue.
Finally thanking Al mighty,
For everything that he has done

Here I go to sleep,
slowly closing my eyes.
Taking a deep breath out.
Finally it's just you and me,
The best feeling in the world.

Sleeping peacefully, with my teddy
Suddenly woke up at the
Midnight, Oh why? myself.
Took some sips of water .
Back on, saw the beauty of night.

Apart from scary darkness, night
defines its own beauty,
with the moon and twinkles!
Breeze chanting its own rhythm.

Standing there for a while
My brain instructed me ,
back to your sleep, as
Eyes were shutting down, the display of my night view.

Here I come, back to my Pillow, bed and my teddy.
Wishing a good night again.
A quite tranquil sleep at last.

© Jerry