

I think I'm currently at that point
where I can't seem to figure out life..
I mean my age mates already know what they want
and already working things out..
But then there is me at the crossroads, dumbfounded
at what's going on..
Life is a level of difficulty which we all choose to play at.

I know they say when life throws lemons, you should make lemonades out of them
but then I don't even have a sweetener to make my lemonade sweet..
I keep wondering if life gets easier or there is a cheat code
I wonder how people get to live through the storm, the misfortune, the peace, the pain which seems so hard for me to handle.

But then I feel they might have figured it out some type of way.
I just feel like I am in the middle of the road with a million of people and no one can see me dying

© Pens with ehiamihc