

Should I write about you?
Should I write about you?

There would be a flood of scripts and milliscrips.
Milliseconds will turn into a millenium.
My vocabulary will be exhausted.
My hair will turn grey.
My skin will hang loose.
The body will runout of its power.
Oh my, my iris will runout of its pigment.

Should I write about you?
That will be impossible,
You are amazing, astonishing
A pure breed of beauty.
A star beyond the sun.
The air that keeps me breathing
Water for growth.
The book which I can't keep away.

Folding you into a series of letters
which tend to be a sequence of words
Will be an insult to you.
You an infinite soul
Which tends to touch my soul
Each time you respond to my curiosity.
...By unicornsunflower