

First and foremost let me say this
Ur company i will always miss
I do acknowledge as well as appreciate the love we've encountered in the last 5 years
We shared many laughs n even more tears
I do not play with emotions as i feel no person shoud
If by chance u feel i misled u then u misunderstood
No person holds the right to toy with such a powerful feeling
U broke my heart n its still healing
Take what i say to heart for i mean every word i say
I love you so much for your happiness i pray
With also keeping truthiness my heart does not soley belong to u
As u know i found someone new
We can talk for hours n never get bored or sick of hearing his voice
When u had me u didnt want me so i respected ur choice
So hard it was to leave u alone once n for all
So difficult it was to ignore ur call
I didnt have the heart to do to u what u did to me
I loved you too much to leave u be
Now that you've moved on i can too
Good bye i wont forget u