

Lost in him 💔
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…
She questioned herself daily
"Is it worth it?My love?The wait?"
But couldn't answer it as she knows that her answer is not gonna change because for her yes the wait was worth it. A hope for miracle is never bad she kept on telling herself.
In the spring as the flower blossom her hopes goes on high.
But as soon as the autumn comes the leaves shed taking her hope with them.
One day she said. Every miracle and dream will come true, one day.
Who knows her hope is gonna come true? She is gonna live up her dream? Cause as known by the people she was crazy and insane, many a times the boys make fun of her. Many a times she failed but not her hope...
And then comes the day of her miracle, that one life changing moment which she hoped last the long. She found herself in him. But the heart broke when she found him in someone else. When she saw him with someone else.
All her dreams collide. Her hopes fall down as fast as water dripping from her eyes. Her tears covering the redness of her cheeks.
Cause she found him but in herself.
Cause now she herself was lost in him💔
© Ishu.writes❤️