

Part One: Questions

1. What do you get when you cross a high chair and a bird?

2. What do cats put in drinks?

3. What's 150 feet long and jumps every ten seconds?

4. What do you call a camel with three humps?

5. What do you call a penguin in the desert?

6. What do you get if you sit under a cow?

7. What do you call a duck with fangs?

8. What did Mr. and Mrs. Chicken call their baby?

9. What kind of tie do pigs wear?

10. Why don't turkeys get invited to dinner parties?

Part Two: Answers

1. A stool pigeon.

2. Mice cubes.

3. A dinosaur with the hiccups.

4. Humphrey.

5. Lost.

6. A pat on the head.

7. Count Quackula.

8. Egg.

9. A pigsty.

10. Because they use fowl language.