

Her last words...

In the quiet of the hospital room,
A boy sits wrapped in grief and gloom.
His tears fall freely, heart heavy with dread,
For his love lies before him, close to death's bed.


“Don’t leave me,” he whispers, voice breaking with pain,
“I can’t face this world, I can't bear this rain.
Without you, my heart will forever ache,
How can I live when you’re destined to break?”


She reaches out, her touch soft but weak,
With a voice so tender, she begins to speak,
“My love, my dear, please don’t despair,
Even in death, I’ll always be there.”

“Your strength, your love, will carry you through,
Remember our moments, the love we once knew.
Though I must go, don’t drown in your sorrow,
Find joy in the dawn of each new tomorrow.”


His tears flow harder, he clutches her hand,
“How can I live? I can’t understand.
You are my world, my heart, my soul,
Without you, how can I ever be whole?”


She smiles through her pain, a soft glow on her face,
“Your love will give you the courage to face.
Live for the both of us, don’t let despair win,
Let my memory give you strength from within.”

“Every sunset, every star in the sky,
Will be a reminder that love never dies.
I’ll be the whisper of the wind in the trees,
The warmth in your heart, the soft summer breeze.”


He nods through his sobs, her words sinking in,
“I’ll try to be strong, though my heart feels so thin.
I’ll carry you with me, in all that I do,
Your love will guide me, help me get through.”


As her breath grows shallow, her eyes gently close,
She speaks her last words, as her life ebbs and flows,
“Live, my love, with all of your might,
I’ll be your guardian, your guiding light.”

In that final moment, he holds her tight,
Promising to carry her love through the night.
Though his heart is shattered, he finds a spark,
In her last words, a light in the dark.


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