

In the depths of my soul, a flame flickers bright,
A yearning that burns, a longing that takes flight.
It reaches for the stars, for the impossible dream,
A quest for the unattainable, the elusive scheme.

My heart beats with a passion that cannot be tamed,
A craving that echoes through every secret name.
It whispers secrets of a love that's yet to be,
A mystery that beckons me to the unknown sea.

In the darkness of night, I feel its gentle might,
A gentle breeze that stirs the embers of delight.
It's a longing that defies words, a sorrow that won't subside,
A heartache that echoes through every step I can't hide.

Oh, the ineffable ache that pierces through my soul,
A yearning that cannot be spoken, only felt whole.
It's a hunger that haunts me, a ghost that won't depart,
A longing that forever reaches for the heart.