

The past
As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister
In faded ink, secrets slipped.

It arrived on a rainy night,
Envelope sealed with a mark,
A whisper of darkness took flight,
In the depths of a world gone stark.

The words danced like shadows on walls,
Each line dripped with unspoken dread,
Echoes of past, the ghostly calls,
Of things left unsaid, of things long dead.

“Beware the silence,” it warned,
“For in its depths, the truth lies bound.
A storm is coming, the skies have mourned,
And in its wake, no solace found.”

The clock ticked slow, time stretched thin,
Each heartbeat echoed the weight of fear.
I turned the letter, hoping to win
A glimpse of light, some comfort near.

But every line wove a tangled thread,
Of betrayals past and futures bleak.
Images flickered, like phantoms led,
To the corners of my mind, where shadows speak.

“Trust not the smile, the friendly gaze,
For daggers hide behind soft words.
In the heart of the night, the darkness plays,
With memories sharp as a flock of birds.”

My breath quickened, as memories surged,
A face from the past, a friend turned foe.
In whispered tones, old grudges emerged,
Revealing a history I thought long low.

Yet beneath the fear, a fire ignited,
A pulse of courage began to rise.
With each sentence read, the weight was lighted,
As I resolved to confront the lies.

The ink dripped like blood from the pen,
A curse wrapped in a cloak of mistrust.
But I wouldn’t falter, I’d gather my men,
And stand for the truth, as all heroes must.

I penned a reply, my heart on the page,
With words forged from steel, unyielding, bright.
“No longer a pawn in your sinister stage,
I’ll carve my own path, I’ll rise to the fight.”

I sealed it tight, the moment was now,
For the dawn of reckoning was drawing near.
No longer a victim, I took my vow,
To unearth the shadows, to quell the fear.

As far as a letter goes,
It became a spark, a fuse ignited,
From nondescript to a battle’s throes,
A tale of courage, heart unblighted.

In the depths of night, the storm would break,
With the winds of change, I stood my ground.
For every dark secret, I’d expose,
And in the truth’s light, new strength would be found.

© zrk. zh