

Darkness....darkness all around
I keep running, like the hounds of hell are at my heels.
The further I run, the less distance I cover,
the ever peresent lone voice in my head screams, "Make a move" it says.
But the darkness crept closer,
engulfing everything on its path.
The louder voices all say "You can't outrun this, GIVE UP!"
"Perhaps I should stop" I say to myself.
"No!", the lone voice says "You have to keep going."
Faster I ran, faster the darkness crept closer.......until it sucked me in.
I opened my mouth to scream
But nothing came forth,
I was falling, falling into an abyss,
into the darkest part of the darkness I went.
Though no soumd is made from my mouth, the noises in my head increase.
"Don't fight it, let it in." they screamed louder.
All around me, all I see is BLACK.
My soul feels empty and hollow.
I clutched my chest and fell on my knees, suffocating on the screams I should have made.
I cry out tor help, but no one hears me.
Because I have no voice, it's all in my head.
"What should I do?" I asked myself hopelessly.
They replied "Give up!" menacingly.
I surrendered and floated in a state of unknown.
I exist, yet, I'm not in existence.
But then.......I saw a shadow.
"A shadow!!!" the tiny voice screams.
In all state of blackness I see a shadow.
When there's a shadow there's a light.
I called upon my strength and climbed higher, hoping to see the ray of light.
Days, decades, centuries it seemed I climbed, fighting the darkness that kept threatening to engulf me,but no ray of light could I find.
But I climbed on knowing this is a battle only I could fight...A ONE MAN BATTLE.
I saw it,
The light.
Higher I went till I emerged from the cocoon of darkness, like a butterfly.
I breathed in the sweet scent of freedom, spread forth my wings and flew...free as a bird.
And finally I found my voice,
A voice beautiful as the host of angels'
I flew and I sang,
Sang a song of FREEDOM and LIFE.
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