

Blueberry Moon
I'm alone under this blueberry moon,
Maybe it's moon or it's past noon,
Hiding behind clouds playing some games,
Blessed rays on my face and god's name,
Gibberish statements on mouth of alive night,
Independence is near coming like a kite,
We are truly soulmates we won't fight,
I'm not a liar if you look at me with prior sight,
Charm of my words is fading away little by little,
Ever since my lover's heart has turned brittle,
Maybe we'll leave each other under the same sour moon,
If this is the ending then we'll meet at our boon,
Nightangles been crooning to our love perpetual,
If that's ending soo soon then I won't have read that manual,
Put the full stop hence the doomsday has arrived if you'd made your mind conceptual....

blueberry moon - showing sadness and misery of losing someone you once loved,
nightangles - showing memories which can't be forgotten soo they are just playing on loop in our mind like songs

well, aaj raat moon nhi aaya soo I'm upset ( moon didn't come todayy for English readers soo I'm upset tonight)

My lover is angry with me too soo another reason to be upset ....

well I'll be okayy I know
you people take care of yourself cause I know you must be suffering one way or another soo just be happy whatever happens ❤️✨

© lovelettersto_me