

Delusional Illusion
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.
I loved you more
Than God above
I held you close
To bring you warmth

When you were mad
When you were sad
We layed in bed
When all seemed lost

I didn't do these out of spite
But with love formed from my heart

And when you left, it fell apart
You pierced my heart
We lost the spark
You close the door, locked in the dark
I thought you loved me from the start

How did you change your ways
Said without me, your okay
Did you ever really feel this way...

You fed me lies
You hid the truth
You wore a mask
I never knew
When all I did was keep it real
I kept it real...
Had me thinking
We had something real...
Something I could feel
That could get me through eternity...

You shattered my illusion
In denial, a delusion
And with my death
I bring about my resolution

I do not know the answer
Where you hoping this conclusion...

© Chris, The Pretender