

Embrace Your Scars
This is my story

Trying to find my glory

Stuck in my head

Created my own purgatory

Never good at switching up

So I stay stuck

Needing golf shoes

To get out this muck

The only way I cope

Inhaling all the smoke

Blow it out

Only this time I can't choke

Another chance to roll these dice

Take my life

Make it mine

Alone and strong

No longer weak

Flip those cards in reverse

That's who I used to be

Triple vision got me seeing clearly

Nothing matters in this world

Unless you seek and find

The real you inside

That most hide

Their entire lives

Whether a person chooses

To shine bright in the light

Or they became one with the night

Who is to say what's wrong

And what's right

Showing others your truth

Whatever it may be

Could possibly set someone free

Be who you set out to be

Before all the conditioning

Chains always remain

On those who lie and deceit

Life is not a race

So why try to cheat

The decisions of realness come seldom

Rare to see a face that embraces their scars without hesitation

Just one of those decisions missing

Would change me entirely

I wouldn't be the same me

I am today

That's why I look at myself proudly

Able to see the things I need to change, fix and rearrange

Also loving every part of this story that created me

© SarahAbell
