

The most popular matter,
Talked on by almost all today;
The truth and goodness of an individual,
Borne in people’s minds;
In a circumstance,
Dominated by social media!
The controversy of standards,
Falsely determining ‘beauty’,
Some may say-
“They aren’t any such standards!”
But deep inside,
They feel that,
They aren’t filling,
Those so called ‘standards’!
The beauty of standards;
Boosts one’s confidence;
While throwing some others,
Into depression!
We are acquainted that,
We exist in all complexions;
But everyone react that:
To be fair is only acceptable!
We do know that,
The existence of shapes and sizes;
For what we pay a lot,
Burning hundreds of calories;
Just to maintain that tall, skinny look!
Maybe sometimes an unachievable task,
On account of the hormones or genetics;
As a result,
We sink into our sea of melancholy;
It is because:
We all love skeletons!
We do exist with different features,
But adore the way others look;
We enhance our features,
Just to match such grades;
It’s nothing, but our love,
For attractive jawline, cheek bones,
Brows and lashes, with smokey eyes!
We feel that,
We need not impress someone,
Indeed we fail in impressing ourselves, Lacking self-love;
Above all!
It isn’t permanent;
So what makes us to strive for it?
They’re just faulty thoughts;
Making the mankind faulty!
No matter how hard we look,
Beauty, is infact,
What makes us feel the strength;
The strength to accept our flaws,
Leaving a reminder that,
With increase in imperfections,
Beauty too intensifes!

© Indira Minu