

Heavenly Fantasy
I spread my invisible wings,
And flew along the green hills.
I saw the blushing sun,
As I landed on a habitat,
With roses enhanced with every shade,
as they were colour-washed,
By a magical shiny Rainbow.
I walked along the mysterious paths,
That I've never taken before.
I felt alive, breathing fresh air.
Hummingbirds told me their stories.
A lake with silver water
sparkled its shine towards me.
I knew how to fly.
I raised my invisible wings,
And flew high in the sky.
Shady trees, Rainbow flowers,
Crystal dewdrops, Peaceful silence...
Heaven? I felt.
I took a deep breath.
Opened my eyes.
Realized I was awakened,
from life with a heavenly fantasy.
I was trapped in a ventilator,
In a covid -19 ward,
Came to life after a sudden death,
Breathing and suffering again,
In the old known world.

© @Paro