

A woman in a relationship 👫.
It's true!
A woman
is a multiplier of
what you give to her.
even if it's a
true real woman,
She can not
the quality of
the seeds produced.
She can only give
additional nutrition,
it to nourish,
and can provide
suitable environment,
it to flourish.
Only this much power,
A woman has,
not much power in a relationship.
Because you cannot
make a man realise
what you are realising,
he is really willing
to realise the Truth.
Really willing to discover the reality,
behind the scene.
Until then, No!
No, woman has
no power over a relationship,
she can't do much
in a relationship.
No matter
how compassionate heart
she owns
How divinely feminine she is,
no matter how understanding
the woman is.
She can just let things be
if man doesn't play his role rightly.
Because relationship is a bond of two
agreement between the two,
one can't do much in it..
when the dominent is the male
woman has no power
over a relationship
to make it work.

© S🤍L