

Contrastingly alike
Do u see what I see?
I see the same sanguine ichor
streaming through our body's core
then why do you define it as gore?
I see the same world
link thee and me, curled
I see the same soil
running through roil
under both o' our feets
Then why victories and defeats?
I see the same sky
girdling us both high
the same stars, moon, and sun
shining for both of us
then why it feels different for you?
I see the same melody and cadence
flowing by our nerves pass
then why rive it as a preference?
I see the same sweet juvenescence
we went through, the concrescence
then why are you so unrelated?
It seems like the mind-the psyche
is not the same for us corpse
have you thought, "why"?
I thought, think, will think evermore
ergo, I am different from you
and you are so contrastingly alike.
© Shree Mukherjee