

Àdulthood's Fears and Triumphs
In adulthood, the weight of failure feels the same,
When you face the boss, your palms begin to sweat,
A critical review, of your achievements in the frame,
Fear grips tight, and regrets become a threat.

Each quarterly report is like a judgment day,
As numbers stare back with a cold, harsh glare,
You hope for praise but brace for dismay,
A sigh escapes while you pretend not to care.

The anxiety builds as deadlines come and go,
A missed target echoes with a hollow sound,
You chase perfection, though the winds might blow,
And face the mirror where your doubts are found.

In meetings, the silence feels like a blade,
A pause that stretches, amplifying fears,
Your work is on display, no room for charades,
The truth is bare, no hiding from the tears.

Every unspoken word weighs heavy on your mind,
The pressure mounts as you await the call,
Striving for success, leaving doubts behind,
Yet every setback makes you feel so small.

You cling to hopes of positive feedback,
Seeking affirmation in a sea of doubt,
The office buzz, the endless verbal track,
A silent plea for praise in a crowded bout.

But even in the stress, you find the drive,
Each challenge faced becomes a path to learn,
Through the trials, you find a way to thrive,
And from each failure, a new strength you earn.

So, embrace the moment of scrutiny and stress,
For in the heart of fear lies the chance to grow,
Though the path may twist and often regress,
With every trial, your true self will show.


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