

As the snow lands on my face,
And you take the grand fall from grace,
I know you got what you deserved.

You wrote about my pain to millions,
And hid the meaning like chameleons,
And wrote it off as yours.

You listened to my stories of heartbreak,
Of countless cuts and painful results,
And continued to add more scars.

Because you went ahead and wrote it off,
And people bought it like a filthy moth,
And you garnered attention.

The mind games you played,
Didnt match the amount of money you got paid,
For stealing all of my broken memories.

But people don't like to be fooled,
Dont want to be used as spiteful tools,
And find out who truly wrote those "stories".

And so as I stand in front of this big screen,
All I hear are your troubled screams,
As you're kicked out from your place.

The headlines read "Forgery committed, young girls heart shattered"
And the pitter patter of my heart is in my throat.

Because I know that the news speaks,
Of the forgery you decided to keep,
And now is shown.

© Liyah Lee