

Memoir Untold
In the pages of time, a memoir unfolds,
Whispers of stories, in ink, yet untold.
A dance of words, a symphony of grace,
Memories etched, of which, time cannot erase.

Each chapter a journey, through joy and strife,
In the tapestry of life, the threads are rife.
Unveiling tales, like petals unfurl,
A memoir untold, many captivating swirl.

Ink-stained echoes from a distant shore,
Where dreams take flight and passions bore.
A canvas of moments, both bold and shy,
In that memoir untold, emotions won't lie.

Through the valleys of laughter, peaks of tears
The memoir breathes, dispelling fears.
An anthology of moment, a treasure trove,
In the silent language of the heart, it simply roves.

With each turned page, a heartbeat's trace,
A memoir untold, a sacred space.
In the quiet whispers of the parchment's hold,
Lives the magic of a memoir unknowingly untold.

© TheRetro_Reader