

A new year, new hope
Not a month or year, but a decade is about to end
And here I am still ready to, along desire of nature, bend

I have time to think, how this decade was for me
It was always up and down and what it really was, I coudn't see

I don't know how I changed and my life came to halt
I used to be a cute little guy, but now I am grown adult

These past moments taught me that nothing stand still
I know it, but still struggling to cope up with nature's will

Everything moves and ultimately fades in the wave of time
Whatever you want to do, do it now or it will be like a crime

You will lose, then cry and scream for redemption
Still there won't be any meaning to your emotion

So in new year, or new decade motivate yourself enough
Then for anyone, defeating you would be very tough.