

My One and Only Mother
Why? Why have you abandoned me Mum? These people, this family that you blessed me with have no room for me anymore.

They mock me and push me aside, like l'm a burden and a misery of a child born to them, yet expect me to be respectful, silent and obedient when they've actually acted the complete opposite.

I try mum, 1 try so hard. They don't see me as a blessing like you do. A miracle child born out of nine months of prayers dedicated especially to you, Mother Mary.

Every waking second, I'm reminded of the
money, time and resources spent on me. I'm
expected to act and behave like the golden
child whilst I'm considered the black sheep of the family.

I can't wait to be with you Mum, my
real heavenly family, so that one day, I might
just truly wake up from this horrid place with my head resting on your lap and looking at your wonderful face with a warm, indescribable smile on your soft lips.

Your hand gently wiping away my tears and lovingly caressing my head and your sweet honey-like voice whispering tenderly to me, "Shhh... It's okay my child, my beautiful, sweet child. I'm here now. I love you so much."

© Shania(shazeel)