

school crush..

In the corridors of memory, your presence lingers,
A school crush's essence, gentle fingers.
In fleeting glances and whispered sighs,
I found a melody in your laughter's guise.

With each passing day, my heart would soar,
Dreaming of moments, forevermore.
In the rhythm of your footsteps, I found my rhyme,
A symphony of love, frozen in time.

In the pages of my heart, your name I'd write,
A secret longing, hidden from sight.
In the tapestry of dreams, you were the thread,
A vision of beauty, in my heart, you tread.

Though time may pass and paths may stray,
In my heart, you'll forever stay.
For in the innocence of youth, I found a spark,
A school crush's love, lighting up the dark.

So here's to you, my school crush divine,
In the corridors of memory, you'll always shine.
For in those fleeting moments, love found its start,


© boyon12