

Time Changes Too Fast
A boat ride with lots of trees,
Reading a book and writing poems,
Whilst taking pictures of the trees,
Editing them is one of my favourite hobbies I have ever had.

I used to edit them a lot,
Lately though I’ve stopped doing the hobbies I used to do,
Now I’ve stopped crafting, walking around my village and doing art,
Now I’ve started to write stories, quotes and poems though.

I’ve started to watch more movies,
I’ve gotten different interests than I used to,
It’s nice to start posting things I like again,
Though I do miss the things I used to like though.

Maybe one day my interests will change again,
I’ll be like I used to be,
I’ll then be sad at the loss of what I like now though,
I guess it shows no matter what I do I’ll always miss something or someone.

I could get a new phone,
Then be sad because my other phone has all the memories,
Now I can make new memories with my new phone,
It’ll never be the same as with the other one though.
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© Mads