

It Hurts.
The way I love you, hurts.
I scream through the tears and the arguments and the fears of losing you everyday just so I can prove to you that I love you.
I bang on the walls that are invisible but there, asking and begging you to love me the way I love you. I screamed and screamed so you can finally hear me, finally listen, but I think at the end of the day; I was trying to convince myself, so I can stay. For what? Not sure. Is the pain of staying everyday with someone who no longer loves me or tolerates me at that, worthwhile? Just because I believed this was real and you were the one for me, when I am not the one for you. The way I love you hurts, but the way you dont love me hurts me further. Not sure if Im just addicted to this pain or im addicted to loving you, is a valid reason as to why I stay all the time. Or why I do this to myself.
It hurts.
I say that everyday, and after not hearing from you after a while, wondering if you replaced me already, or if I ever even crossed your mind. I hate to ask if you remember I existed, or if we still have what we had.
It hurts.
I feel this heavy feeling, lingering on my chest; digging its claws into my heart and brain, only to interrupt my thoughts.
It hurts.
I can feel it slowly creeping up on me, overrunning my system in every turn, making me incapable of leaving or moving on.
It hurts, but I can’t live without you, just please love me again, and I promise to love you more. I wont bother you again, or ask if you have eaten or drank water. I wont ask you to let me know when you’re home, or what you are doing. I wont bug you when you play video games, I wont ask you to stop you from the drugs, I wont ask you if you love me, or ask you if you care. I wont ask for hugs or kisses, or a good morning text or night. I wont ask you for anything anymore, if you do this one thing for me for once. i never asked for flowers, I never asked for gifts. I never asked for anything so please just this once, DO THIS FOR ME.
Just once..
It hurts..
Please, just love me.
© grey:D