

I am living a life where on..
I am living a life,
Where on
Some days I fight,
Some days I quit,
Some days i cried,
Some days I smiled.

I am living a life
where I discovered mistakes;a
Some of mine own,
Some of others.
Where on
I wished,
I prayed,
For the things that I never had.

I am living a life
I fought many battles every morning between
My heart and mind,
I want that happiness from somewhere in past which i leave behind.

I feel sorry for what I lost in my past
Having a bleeding heart.
Some time i feel disappointed with my own self,
Some time i feel proud so.

Also I am living a life
Where on
I discovered that...
Life is like a rolar coaster
Which have lots of joy with some thrills on,
It will give you lights but with darker,
Yes I am living a life
Like this.