

Mirror , mirror on the wall
do you hear me when I call ?
I very well know you never lie
so would you tell me why I cry ?
What do I look like to you today
please do tell me
don't go away.
Bruised , broken, tempest tossed
or strongly determined but
a trifle lost.
Traces of yesterday
stamped on my body
looking so unfamiliar now
with laughing lines
a motley of nerves and veins clotty.
" yes my dear ' said the mirror
with a twinkle
"I am bound by oath
to reflect the exact you
whether they be nerves or wrinkles .
do not fret , nothing is permanent
neither the beautiful past
nor your older version. '.
" Am I fat and wobbly?"
I asked
" wobbly , of course not but
fat yes
no worries , you are just living on the wrong planet."

© Liquid words @28